A Texas Legacy
Uptown Houston is often called Houston’s ‘second downtown’. But not too long ago this stylish neighborhood was home to dusty farms and vegetable stands. From the early settlers to shopping mecca and urban oasis Post Oak Boulevard: A Texas Legacy examines the transformation of Houston’s most glamorous address.
Deep Water Centennial
The Houston Ship Channel is celebrating its centennial as a deep water port in 2014, and a new documentary explores the rich history, as well as present-day operations of the Houston Ship Channel and the Port of Houston, one of the busiest ports in the United States.
Story of one of Houston’s newest and finest architectural masterpieces, the Asia Society Texas Center. Famed architect Yoshio Taniguchi designed his first free-standing building in the U.S., and a new Texas landmark for Houston's Museum District. Program highlights the growing Asian presence in Houston and how ASTC will become a major business and cultural exchange forum raising Houston’s visibility all over the world.
Documentary about the history and restoration of this grand old courthouse that had been thoughtlessly altered in so many ways that the people of Houston forgot what a great building it was. With its impressive rotunda and beautifully restored exterior, the building may lead the way for the preservation of other historic Houston landmarks.
Winner of the Good Brick Award from Preservation Houston.
The Art of Architecture documentary program takes you on a journey through the extraordinary history, art and architecture of Houston's stunning skyline and surrounding neighborhoods. The second in Texas Foundation for the Arts' award-winning Houston Arts Television series.
Winner of the Telly Award.
A look at some of Houston’s arts organizations such as The Menil Collection, Center for Contemporary Craft, Houston Children’s Chorus, High School for the Performing Arts, and a tour of Houston’s impressive civic art.
AMA Crystal Award for Excellence/Feature Documentary and the Silver REMI Award, WorldFest Houston.
A look at the history and charm of this famous Gulf Coast playground with its beaches and historic buildings. Story explores the history of gambling casinos and other forbidden pleasures that attracted thousands of tourists to the island. Describes the devastation of Hurricane Ike and how the Islanders responded.
Winner of the Telly Award and Gold Ava Award.
Uncommon Law: The Life of Leon Jaworski (26-minutes). A biography of the legendary Texas attorney who grew up in humble beginnings and went on to play an important role in the Nuremberg trials and the Watergate hearings, as well as the growth and expansion of the Texas Medical Center.
Brushstrokes of South Texas: The Murals of Daniel Lechon (26-minutes). Story of the Mexican-born artist who created a series of murals in his Houston studio about the history of South Texas. The story follows him as he installs the murals in the Kenedy Ranch Museum of South Texas History in Sarita, TX. Explores early ranch life in South Texas. Communicator Award of Distinction.
125 Years of Sam Houston State University (26-minutes). Celebration of the history of Texas’ most historic teachers’ college and its relationship to the town of Huntsville, home of Texas hero Sam Houston. Interesting glimpse into the early days of education and college life in Texas. Former CBS newsman Dan Rather talks about his college years at Sam Houston State.
The Golden Age of Texas Courthouses – Volume 3 (56-minutes). Third in the series about the varied collection of Texas’ county courthouses. Story revolves around the restoration of the beautiful 1880s Wharton County Courthouse and how the community rallied to save the historic building. Texans have a strong love affair with their county courthouses and television programming about the courthouses has huge appeal.
The Golden Age of Texas Courthouses – Volume 2 (56-minutes). Second in the series about the history and varied collection of Texas’ county courthouses. Features the Hill County Courthouse, a Victorian masterpiece destroyed by a tragic fire and then fully restored. The near-loss of this architectural icon began the movement to preserve Texas’ treasured courthouses.
The Golden Age of Texas Courthouses – Volume 1 (26-minutes). First in the series of courthouse stories, it follows the restoration of the historic Goliad County Courthouse, as well as a dozen others across the state. Produced in collaboration with Dr. Mavis Kelsey. Communicator Award of Distinction.
The Prairie View A&M Story (56-minutes). An in-depth history of the second oldest public institution of higher learning in Texas, and for nearly 75 years, the state’s only public college that would admit African Americans. A compelling story of racial injustice and discrimination, determination and perseverance of black leaders for higher education, and finally acceptance and equality. Videographer Award of Excellence.
Juneteenth: A Celebration of Freedom (26-minutes). The history of the often misunderstood June holiday honoring the day when African Americans in Texas were informed of their emancipation from slavery, two years after President Lincoln’s proclamation.
In Search of Houston’s History (56-minutes). An unusual look at the history of many of Houston’s famous landmarks, legends and neighborhoods. Explores how the city’s history is being archived at the Texas Room at the Spanish-styled Julia Ideson Building, part of the Houston Public Library.
Forever Free (26-minutes). Overview of African Americans’ historic role in Texas politics and the State Legislature. Features interesting biographical information about Barbara Jordan and Mickey Leland, two high-profile Houston-area legislators who went on to the U.S. Congress in the 1970s and 80s.
Sleeping with the Elephants (56-minutes). Film documenting the birth of Mac, the baby elephant at the Houston Zoo. Touching story as elephant keepers are not sure whether the mother will accept the new baby or reject it. Camera crew spent extensive time with the elephants and their keepers before and after the birth.
Student Athletes (26-minutes). Camera crews followed the lives of four student athletes at Rice University to show how they balance academics and athletics. Honest look at two football players, a baseball player and women’s basketball player at an Ivy League-type university that stresses success in the classroom as well as the playing field.